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08 February 2010

Outfit: of the Field Day Music festival

T-shirt: Bonds
Skirt: Thrifted
Headscarf: Thrifted
Hosiery: Coles
Boots: Tradesmen boots that I dangled a cut up belt from Supre off
Handbag: Roxy

I found a photo of me on my brothers camera and a suitable card reader, it's what I wore to field day this year day has been detailed here I am very much of the belief that one should dress for comfort at a music festival and not for appearances, and boy was I comfortable, when orange skanks vomited onto the ground in front of me I was so comfortable I could just laugh heartily withoug worrying abut vomit seeping in between the straps of my cheap glatiator sandal (as I werent wearing any) and offer them a moist towellette to wipe themselves up and bulldoze my way up the front to enjoy the show.


Anyways the motto to this entry is if you are going to any event that contains alcohol and more than a thousand people don't wear open toe shoes... trust me  oh and always carry wet wipes.


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