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14 December 2009

It's the Newspaper Mama

If you grew up in Australia in the 80's you'd know all about Peter Coombe, he was 'The Shit' to four to seven year old me, every day when we'd get home from school smattered between the ABC late afternoon programming would lie a Peter Coombe song and you'd jump and sing along, it's actually kind of odd as I now as an Adult appreciate how mature musically and lyrically he was as an entertainer (reminds me muchly of Paul Simon) and fingers crossed next time he hits Sydney I'm going to go see him live.

Anyway what's that go to do with my outfit, nothing really except for "What's black? and What's White? and Red all over" and today that was me

Dress: Target 2006ish
Cardigan: Basque via Myer 2006ish too
Shoes: Evans
Belt: came with a dress
Scowl: caused by society in general and American t.v.

I wore this to work today, as it was officially the first day in my and improved job so I thought I would be breezy and approachable but responsible and authoratative without sacrificing my femininity, which the outfit might of done if my tits didn't fall out of this dress everytime I sat down.

It's actually my only floral print dress, I'm not usually a fan, (unless it's Pucci, natch) and honestly not a fan or rose prints on dresses either, but I like this dress the print isprobably the most flowery I'd get unless it was hideously kitsch (which I am looking for right now)


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