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24 May 2010

Was blind but now I see.

Well I think I have firmly established that I am poor well y'know crack** and whores*** don't buy themselves.

Ok I'm not a Crack** addict but as a grown up that's moved out of home 90% percent of my money goes toward my survival and the remaining 10% usually goes on olives and cheese and that leaves me with 14% for things to make my life easier such as soap and those lighters with the long bit so you can light the stove without burning yourself.

 Anyways as I was saying I don't have much money to spend on life improving items but I needed one for a while and I have been putting it off or ages due to their sheer cost a pair of glasses. I lost my beloved Pepe Jeans pair (as seen here) in thick black acetate with Transitions lenses somewhere (probably when I was drunk or at work or when I was drunk at work) and I was so distraught (well distraught to the value of $500) I have since been using some old readers to tide me over but I needed something and I needed it quick, I was squinting to watch television, and I couldn't recognize my boyfriend at a certain distance and so whilst perusing the blog-o-sphere I read "The Bargain Fatshionista's" New glasses post and thought to myself  "hmmm $8 glasses ? let's have a look and see how bad the cost is for Shipping to Australia..."


Yeah I was surprised too well now I had no reason not to try as a) Australian Optometrists are hellishly expensive (crack and whores don't come cheap) you can barely get a pair of decent glasses for $99AUD here in OZ let alone $8USD and b) I had accidentally bumped into say five too many people that I would of spotted (and subsequently avoided) had I been wearing glasses.

So it was decided and I put aside some of my Crack** money (I aint giving up on my Whores*** yet) and went a shopping and here is what I got. P.S I'm not wearing any make-up and my eyebrows need to be separated again so shield your eyes if necessary.

" Kiki the Poet" (can't find this style on the website but pretty safe and generic yo')

"Kiki the slightly less angry poet (probably cos she got laid last night high five)"  or this style from Zenni Optical

"Kiki the abrasive, Lefty, Media Commentator" or this Style

And "Kiki the hmm are you sure you want to wear those outside?" or these

The quality is above what I was expecting for the price (I was expecting a four drawings of glasses) The aren't Highlander like (that means they are immortal and Kick Arse!) but I'm happy to be seen in public in all of them. Ooh! and I ordered them on 16th May and they got to me on the 24th which I was super happy with, I will order more pairs and probably shell out for a few with a poly carbonate lens (to combat the Communist satellite Lasers) but yeah I entered in my prescription and voila! they all were perfect. and I can see again

Thanks to Zenni Optical I can avoid people I want to avoid with so much ease. My Optometrist too

** Crack is a term I commonly use to refer to Peanut Butter
*** Whores is my term for my weekly magazine purchases (Grazia and The New Yorker)


Sarah said...

lol, your post is hilarious. I found your blog pretty recently and I love it.
I like all the glasses, the red are my favourite though.

Kathryn said...

My son has been buying glasses online because he keeps going to see bands and gets his glasses smashed!

The green ones are super cute. The red ones are like a pair of fake glasses I bought in Tokyo (and paid a heap more than that!)

Amie said...

So, are the top ones these? Because they are kickarse and I want them for myself! As soon as I have some spare moneys I am just going to go mental on Zenni and buy like eleventy pairs of glasses.

Miss Kiki said...

Pale and Pallor: thank you so much, I love your blog too your outfits are amazing.

Kathrynoh: I used to get mine smashed up at gigs too back when I was young and crazy, I'm so glad that this place exists. Glasses are waay too exxy in Sydney

Amie Eliza Pinkerton: I found a link
they were actually $20 (I so was not paying attention) but I love them too

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