Ok wasn't really violated on the general scale of things this is pretty frickin' low, but miss L.Rigdon writer for some unheard of rag BBStyle used my picture next a picture of a model of a girl from a 2006 Jean Paul Gautier show claiming both of us and several more plus size girls as examples of what not to wear
Look this is minor but there were three things I am very upset about
a) the Author claims to be a professional writer... she has a website pimping herself out per word, professionals do not steal.
b) I had the photo in question posted to my flickr but not posted to any actual public flickr pool such as fatshionistas or death fatties, So Miss L.Rigdon not only stole a photo of me for her own use she had to go sifting through my whole personal gallery to find it in order to steal it
The picture was taken about ten minutes after I got my Jane BonBon Dress and I wanted to tell an online friend about it... I'm an idiot for adding it to my flickr, but on the scale of things it wasn't so bad, I've seen some pretty fug outfits on the internets and looking at the the selection of people she chose as the what not to wear fatties I would rather be one of those than one of her recommendations of what to wear.
it has been taken down now though
"On request of people whose images we were using, we have decided to take down those images. Since the article was based on those images, we are taking the article down for the time being.
We are leaving your comments though. Thank you for taking time to post your comments.
Check back next week. We have another article that we will be publishing.
Once again, thanks for all the comments."
Or as the French say Le sigh.
Check back next week. We have another article that we will be publishing.
Once again, thanks for all the comments."